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What are the mandatory accesses?

Only the Graph API Sites.Read.All permissions are required to access to your documents on Sharepoint Online.

If you intend to configure an on-premises Sharepoint, you will have to create a dedicated elqano user. (For example: and give him read access to all the Sharepoints you intend to synchronize with Elqano.

This user and the list will also have to be confgiured into the Elqano application.

Note: As for the indexation, it is possible to replace the Sites.Read.All by the Sites.Selected one but this measure implies consequent additional work to index documents.

How are Sharepoints imported?

The list of imported Sharepoint online will have to be configured in the “Storage” section of the Elqano application administration. You acn also choose to import all of your sharepoints.

For the on-premises Sharepoint, we will need for each of them:

The path to the site indexsites/QAtestSP
The document listDocuments

These values will be used in the “Storage” section of the Elqano application administration.

How are documents imported?

Once the initial list of Sharepoint is configured into Elqano, the first indexation of documents will start.

This will be an automatique task that will not require any manual intervention, except for the monitoring of the process.

Note that the duration of this process depends on the volume of documents on your sharepoints.

How is maintained the Sharepoint list?

After the initial setup, the “moderation” will be turned on.

The autodiscovery system of team’s Sharepoints will start. It will run periodically to maintain up to date the configured list of Sharepoint used by your teams in Microsoft Teams.

All manually created Sharepoints will have to be added in the Elqano application.

How do future documents will be imported?

After the initial import, the automatic import system will be started.

Each day, an automatic task will look into all configured Sharepoints for the list of new or updated documents since the last synchronization.

It will then upload the text content of these documents into Elqano and index them for future expert/expertise detection.

How are documents and indexes stored?

At import time, the documents are uploaded into a dedicated temporary storage engine on your own cloud provider (Azure Blob Storage).

They will remain on the storage only for the indexing phase. After this phase, which consist in extracting the text content of the documents and storing it in the Elqano database, we will remove the files from the storage.

The text content itself will remain stored in the Elqano database running in your Azure tenant.

This text will never be displayed to the end users and will only be used for indexing and tagging purspose.

Which information do we have access to?

Elqano ITs or operators will never have access to your documents or its content as it will remain stored on your own infrastructure.

Our montoring tool will anonymise the information it collects to ensure the strict security and confidentiality of your data.