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Technical components

The Elqano application relies on images executed in containers. These containers can either be run in an app service or directly within a Kubernetes Cluster. These two options lead to distinct architectures. You will find more details on each architecture in the dedicated sections:

Architecture schema

The elqano ChatBot uses three different component types: technical components, logical components and Teams related components:

  • the technical components can be represented as the application body (from the muscles to the brain)
  • the logical components can be represented as the application senses (these components are needed to integrate the application to the client environment e.g for authentication, doc indexation etc.)
  • the Teams related components are required for setting up the application directly within the client’s Teams.

When setting up the Elqano ChatBot, we first setup the technical components, we then setup the logical components before finishing with the teams integration.

Technical components

These components are the core of the solution. As explained above, these are the ChatBot engine.

Logical components

In short, these components are used to manage app permissions, to retrieve document and/or user information, to authenticate users and to manage their roles.

These components are the ones related to the Teams integration.

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