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Table of contents
  1. How to set up PostgreSQL
    1. Run the postgres template
    2. Security settings

How to set up PostgreSQL

Elqano is using PostgreSQL as database engine via Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers.

To configure it easily, we are providing a pre-configured template.

By default it will create a server with the following properties:

Postgres Version11
TierGeneral Purpose
vCore count4
Storage size1000 Gb
Storage Auto-growthEnabled
Backup retention days7
Backup RedundancyLocaly redundant

Edit the template if you need specific setings.

Run the postgres template

To use the template, navigate to the Custom deployment service of Azure and select Build your own template in the editor

Copy the following template in the editor and click on the Save button.

The following form will appear:

Configure PostgreSQL

  • Select, the subscription, the Resource Group and the Location

  • Provide the following parameters

(Copy them in a safe place, they will be useful for the next steps of the process)

Server_postgres_nameChange it to something like elqanoYOURCOMPANYNo space, no special chars
Server_postgres_admin_loginYou can keep the default value 
Server_postgres_admin_passwordProvide a passwordLonger than 8 chars
  • Accept the terms and click on Purchase and wait for the end of the creation process.

Security settings

Once the app service is configured, please follow the steps described in the Security settings documentation to add a firewall to the postgres database.