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Logical components integration

Table of contents
  1. How to register your logical components to technical ones
  2. Fallback - How to reset organization fields if an error happened

How to register your logical components to technical ones

Navigate to the root URL of the web application https://_YOUR_ELQANO_URL_/organizations/new

We now have to fill all the form empty fields and click on “Save”.

Create Organization

Select the name of your organization.

Create Organization Name

Fill the Issuer field.

Create Organization Issuer

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/Entreprise Applications/Elqano SSO/Application ID

Create Organization Retrieve Issuer

Fill the Entity field.

Create Organization Entity

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/Entreprise Applications/Elqano SSO/Single Sign One/Azure AD Identifier

Create Organization Retrieve Entity

Fill the SSO URL field.

Create Organization SSO URL

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/Entreprise Applications/Elqano SSO/Single Sign One/Login URL

Create Organization Retrieve SSO URL

Fill the Certificate fingerprint field.

Create Organization Certificate Fingerprint

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/Entreprise Applications/Elqano SSO/Single Sign One/Thumbprint

Create Organization Retrieve Certificate Fingerprint

Fill the Tenant ID field.

Create Organization Tenant ID

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/Azure Active Directory/Tenant ID

Create Organization Retrieve Tenant ID

Fill the Application (client) ID field.

Create Organization client ID

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/App Registrations/Elqano Graph API/Application (client) ID

Create Organization Retrieve client ID

Fill the Secret field.

Create Organization Secret

You can retrieve it by accessing your Azure Portal. Source in Azure:

  • Home Portal/App Registrations/Elqano Graph API/Value

Create Organization Retrieve Secret

You can now check that everything has been properly setup by:

  • making sure you are able to connect and access the app with you company account
  • making sure you are able to access the admin section of the app

Fallback - How to reset organization fields if an error happened

If you made a mistake filling registering your logical components in Elqano, you can reset the organization parameters by following these steps:

First, access to your postgres database Connection security section. And allow access from all IPs addresses.

Enable PG access

Do not forget to save the connection security changes.

Save PG Rules

You can then open a cloudshell bash terminal.

Open cloudshell

Then run the following commands by adapting it with your variables. Please note that the order has to be respected:

  • Connect to the postgres database: psql " port=5432 dbname=elqano_qa password=CHANGEIT sslmode=require"

  • Find the to-be-deleted organization id: SELECT id FROM organizations;
  • Delete all organization data:
    • DELETE FROM users WHERE organization_id=CHANGE_IT;
    • DELETE FROM saml_gateways WHERE organization_id=CHANGE_IT;
    • DELETE FROM directories WHERE organization_id=CHANGE_IT;
    • DELETE FROM organizations WHERE id=CHANGE_IT;
  • Log out: \q

When using the web app link, you should now able to restart integrating your logical components in Elqano.

Validate Operation

Then remove all accesses to the postgres database: only the web app ips should be allowed.

Remove PG access